Attention! Read this review before using Google Keyword Planner

Jan 8, 2024 - 23:19
Jan 8, 2024 - 23:21
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Attention! Read this review before using Google Keyword Planner
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In the current digital era, the main aim of marketers is to be on the first page of Google's search engine. One tool that can’t be missed to reach the top page of Google is “Google Keyword Planner.” Many SEO professionals feel that spending time in keyword research is a drag on workflow, and this is not entirely wrong. Keyword research may seem a waste of time when tools are not right. The right tools are a must to speed up the keyword research process.

Google keyword planner is suggested to be one of the best optimization tools that can be used to rank at the top of the Google search engine. For people who don’t use a tool without looking at its manual, this article can be a great starting point. The article includes basic insights as well as the functionality of Google keyword planner.

About Google Keyword Planner

Google keyword planner is a simple Google Ads tool that helps choose the right set of keywords for a campaign. The tool can be used to research products or services and also helps customers in getting insights about a business. The best part about Google Keyword Planner is that it is a free service by Google that helps in search engine marketing campaigns. 

The planner is available in the form of a web application as well as an API. No matter if the business is small or big or the SEO professional is a novice or expert, Google Keyword Planner can be an excellent tool to use. Another major point about Google keyword planner is that it enables marketers to stay aware of the latest trends in the market. Initially, using the tool may seem a challenging task and marketers need to know a few basic details. The tool comes up with its own limitations too. For example, traffic estimates on Google keyword planner are just estimates. It is advised not to rely totally on the estimates. The second criterion is that the estimates are based on historical data, and it should be used as a general guide. In addition to this, the competition numbers are also difficult to quantify through Google keyword planner. Thus, it is advisable to have in-depth research before using the Keyword planner. 

What are the uses of Google Keyword Planner?

The most basic function of Google keyword planner is to find new keywords that can enable a business to get organic traffic to a website. By using the tool, marketers can get an idea about how many people are searching for a particular keyword and how much they need to pay in order to rank their keyword. Google keyword planner is used not just in the case of running Google ads, but also in the case of SEO. If used effectively, it can help in getting better search engine results. For anyone who wants to focus on deep keyword research for any marketing purpose, no tool works as efficiently as Google Keyword Planner. 

The tool offers valuable results like how many people are searching for a particular keyword and what is the level of competition for a particular keyword. By using the tool, businesses can develop and focus on a set of keywords relevant to their business and industry. Once a business has a set of keywords, it can quickly determine which keywords will work best for its ads and its website pages. 

The tool also helps in getting a hint about the level of competition for a particular keyword. Understanding the competition helps in fine-tuning the SEO and Google ad strategy that improves the Search Engine Result Page (SERP) ranking. 

In many cases, keywords can also help in getting new content ideas, getting an understanding of the target customers, and staying updated about the industry jargon. Once marketers and content teams are aware of the keywords that customers are searching for, the content can be created explicitly targeted toward those specific keywords. Thus, without much effort, customers will be guided to the website. 

No doubt, there are multiple keyword planner tools available in the market. But, Google Keyword Planner can be a fantastic tool to begin the journey of keyword research.

The working of Google Keyword planner

Many marketers are aware of the keyword planner tool, but they get skeptical about using it. The best part about the tool is that it is quite easy to use, and it is 100% free to use. 

The first step in using Google Keyword Planner is to set up a Google Ads campaign. After signing in, the next step is to access the Google Keywords Planner by clicking on “Tools” and “Keyword Planner.” The tool provides data about average monthly searches for a particular keyword and also the level of competition for a particular keyword. This information offers detail about the average monthly search and the level of competition for a particular keyword. 

One of the major drawbacks of Google Keyword Planner is that it does not provide a detailed search volume of all keywords. In addition to this, the competition level of keywords as shown by Google Keyword Planner is not always exact. The competition level of keywords comes from the Google Ads data, it may not always represent the competition level for organic search results. It is also important for SEO professionals to know that Google Keyword Planner will always set up the campaign, even when the marketers do not have the intention of using the tool. 

After getting access to the Keyword planner, there are two options. 

  1. Find keywords
  2. Get search volume or keyword forecast.

When choosing the option “Find keywords” section, the tool will provide a list of new keywords related to the search term. The section “Get Search Volume and Forecasts” displays the keyword search volume, historical metrics about the keyword, and prediction of the future performance of the keyword. 

Thus, these analytics helps in curating an SEO strategy that enables a webpage to rank at the top of Google's search engine.

Notable features of Google Keyword Planner

There are certain notable features that are not found in other keyword planner tools.

  • The Google keyword planner can be easily utilized to find new keywords related to businesses, services, or products. The best part about the tool is that it also gives. suggestions about what people might be searching for. Thus, offering a list of suggested keywords.
  • By using the tool, businesses can also ascertain how many people are searching for a particular keyword in a month. The information enables businesses to know whether a particular keyword is popular or not. 
  • The tool is also used in the case of running Google ads. Thus, marketers can know how much they need to spend in order for the ads to appear on top. Thus, giving a hint of whether the keyword is worth targeting or not. 
  • In the case of curating new campaigns, Google Keyword Planner helps in getting in-depth research of keywords.

Cost of Google Keyword Planner 

The best part about Google Keyword Planner is that it is 100% free. Customers need nothing but a Google Ads account to use the planner. 

Final take on Google Keyword Planner

No doubt Google Keyword Planner is a fantastic tool if the person knows how to use it. In fact, the tool offers better the more it is used. The tool is tied to the Google Ads account, but it also works great for organic traffic. It is one of the best tools for top and middle-funnel content marketing strategies. 

Like other tools, Google keyword planners come up with certain drawbacks. The first drawback is that marketers need to have exact data in order to proceed with the tool. Since it is a free tool, there is no harm in using the tool and then moving forward with other paid tools. 

Use the tool and let us know about your experience. 

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